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Jack Goes Boating is a tale of love, betrayal, friendship and grace centered around two working-class New York City couples.

The movie strikes so many authentic notes about relationships that it's not a romantic comedy, at least not in the Hollywood sense. The two court the way two adults burned by betrayal would: cautiously.That's good news for fans of Hoffman, who shows a sure hand as a director and whose character is as amiable as is he uncertain. Hoffman's charm has always been his Everyman awkwardness, and he's unafraid to show Jack's every fear and failing. By Scott Bowles, USA TODAY

Tickets: $6.50 TCA Members, $7.50 Regular Admission.

Tickets at the box office 45 minutes prior to screening.

Event Location:

Taos Center for the Arts

Start Date: November 21st End Date: November 21st
Contact Information:

Dancer Dearing 758-2052 -


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