In Taos, mid-May through June, there's nowhere else to be but on the Rio Grande!  Whether it's the thrill ride of the Class V of the Razors and Upper Box to the Class IV of the Middle Box, the Racecourse with its Class II-III run or the mellow floats of Orilla Verde and County Line, there is something for everyone along some 30+ miles of the Rio Grande.  Some 8 different outfitters serve the river up to their clients, 6 of which are based in Taos.  And for experienced river runners, hard shell and inflatable kayaks can also deliver their share of thrills.  Rent or bring your own! 


For more information, email us at info@enchantedcircle.org.







Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway

 • Alpine Skiing
 • Snowboarding
 • Cross Country Skiing
 • Snowshoeing
 • Tubing
 • Snowmobile Tours

 • Golf
 • Mountain Biking
 • Cycling
 • MotorCycling
 • Rafting
 • Horseback Riding
 • Hiking
 • Camping
 • Jeeps/ATV's
 • Summer Chair Lift Rides
 • Ballooning
 • Fishing

 • Museums
 • Art Galleries
 • Cultural
 • Shopping
 • Nightlife